Corporate Sales KnowHow Inc. is
a pioneer and market leader in online sales training. Through KnowHowZone,
client companies access a comprehensive library of high-impact sales
training courses, assessments and online sales tools. Custom
Learning Solutions Our Corporate Sales
team will tailor training solutions to meet your needs. For information
on Custom Learning Solutions, contact
Courses Existing KnowHowZone
courses can be tailored to reflect your company's products or services
and market. In tailoring, we assume that the instructional design, learning
objectives and overall approach used in the existing course are valid
but that the industry setting, characters, competitors, products and
services may need to be modified to better reflect your selling environment.
Private-Labeled Sales "Zone" KnowHowZone can
be private-labeled to reflect your corporate identity. This involves
modifying graphics and colors to conform to your standards and creating
a new version of our Web site, tailoring content that is hosted and
maintained by KnowHow. Custom
Courses KnowHow provides the ability to create custom-built online sales training content that address the specific goals and objectives of our clients. Training courses combine KnowHow's proprietary HyperLearning methodology with your content. |