Kay's Naturals has given a great deal of thought to the ingredients of Protein Chips.


PROTEIN: By combining Soya protein with other proteins from cereal sources, we obtained a complete amino acid profile, making Protein Chips a complete source of protein. One serving contains the same amount of protein as two slices of packaged sandwich meat.
PEA FIBER: Kay's uses oat-fiber, making the high protein more digestible. This helps prevent ketosis and other high protein diet complications. Carbohydrates: Kay's has striven for balance between carbohydrates (12-14 grams per serving, 1-3 grams of which are fiber) and protein (10 grams) for a healthier product.

WEIGHT LOSS AND/OR MAINTENANCE: Due to the substantial protein and fiber content along with the low fat aspect of Protein Chips, they are very filling while being an effective means of assisting in weight loss and/or maintainance programs.

has been found to help prevent the development of osteoporosis.

FOLIC ACID: Protein Chips meet the daily requirements for folic acid, an important part of the diet of women of childbearing age, as it may help prevent birth defects.

VITAMIN B-12: The vitamin B-12 in Protein Chips comes from plant sources. Vitamin B-12, an essential part of all diets, is especially important for vegetarians/vegans.

NATURAL WHOLE GRAINS: One of the more unique aspects of Protein Chips is the use of natural whole grains in the manufacturing process. This includes the whole kernel of the grain, including the bran, endosperm, and the protein.

HERBS AND SPICES: We have added herbs and spices to enhance flavoring, but many have health properties as well.

Cinnamon is used by traditional healers as a natural way to enhance the immune system, and to reduce high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
GARLIC: Garlic has been used by traditional healers as a natrual way to enhance the immune system, and to reduce high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

PARSLEY: Parsley has been used by traditional healers to aid in the healthy function of the urinary tract. It is also a natural means to reduce flatulence.

ROSEMARY: Rosemary has long been used by traditional healers for headaches, migraines, as an antidepressant, a stimulant, and an anti-inflammatory.

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